功夫英语 | 重复式开心学习?成人学员陈奎好与您分享学习反馈!
1、学到打电话,定房间,寻路等 2、How much is a room for night ? 3、重复很重要 4、越学越开心
1、学到打电话,定房间,寻路等 2、How much is a room for night ? 3、重复很重要 4、越学越开心
Dear Mr 龙: Thanks for your letter. For this lesson 46, I learned a theory that if your method of learning is correct you can learn a foreign language at any time. I expand its meaning to other areas. In real daily life, we have to study new things and skills and knowledge as times progressed. So, the method of study is very important to make us master the new things effectively and easily. The sentence which gave me the deepest impression on me is "age is no barrier". it is more than 9 years that I graduated from University. I worked in a common company for five years and stayed at home for four years as a mon. During this four years, my experience on work is blank except taking care a child. When I was searching for a work, and go to the companies for interviews, I met many younger interviewers who just graduated from university for one or two years. they were very surprised that I competed this job with them for my old age. I only want to say "even though I was elder, but it was not the barrier to learn the new things and get a good work". we usually listen the text and the lexcial unit songs again and agian to make us be very familiar with them. I think reading the text every day is also a good and important useful learning experience. We can practice our muscle of mouth and feeling it meanings. I am very happy that I can reading the text smoothly at the end of today! ^_^ Thanks in advance Best Regards Amber
Dear 龙飞虎, Thanks for your email. Sorry for the late reply. I just read this email for it's sent to the spam box. I fully understood this email without Chinese. Thanks & Best regards
2,这二课纠正了我用错的句子,一起我不会说:can you .. 常说成 do you..
Before studying the third ear, I was used to hear every word of English to understand the meaning. But now, after studying the lexical unit songs, I find they are helpful to understand the meaning quickly in terms of phrase or words group. Therefore, I decide to study more phrases and words groups. Then I can connect them to convey the meanings instead of combining each word for a sentence.
Dear coaching: 每天坚持三小时,学习着快乐着!