1.Today I studied:how to room hotel,Asking road,Calling phone,lost something and helping. 2.How do you say that in English? 3.发现自己很多单词的发音是不对的尽管很熟。 4.想象画面对记忆是有很大帮助的。
1.Today I studied:how to room hotel,Asking road,Calling phone,lost something and helping. 2.How do you say that in English? 3.发现自己很多单词的发音是不对的尽管很熟。 4.想象画面对记忆是有很大帮助的。
Dear kungfuenglish, Let me talk about the gain from the language learing .Today I have finished the lesson 53 and I still made a lot of sentence by myself,and I just seach a few words that I can't spelling. The diferent of before,I found I was automatically to start use these words and phrases to connect the fact around my life. For instence,today all of the people are talking about the terrible accident from Tianjin,and I was also feeling sorrowful(the new word that I have learned today) about that. I always consider the reason of the accident when I was learning.So,in order to focus learning then I used the English to think about it .That is a easily and funny method . thanks!
最近学习了功夫英语 的确 感觉和其他的学习软件不一样 感觉的确记住单词不那么困难了。
3,体会的话 就是课程中的音乐很少让我感觉到烦闷。
4,还不错,可能是这最前面属于比较简单吧,所以还没感觉到有太大压力。 我会给我自己加油的,好好学习,认真学习,谢谢!
我觉得第一天的学习 有几个发现:
2. 印象最深的话是 do u want to eat 和 i would like to have 别笑 我的英语就是那么差 我不知道什么地方该使用to 还有我知道了 do not 的意思 do是“做”,那么 do not 就是”不要做”
3.我以前总是担心自己英语 然后就放弃 但是在音乐的环境下 感觉记住不是那么困难
4.感觉学习感受非常好 虽然只是开始最简单的 但是一个很好的开始 满分十分打9.5分吧 继续加油吧
Hi: I am very happy that I have got the sense of listening when I listen to English of the third ear , I can feel the meaning of English of the third ear by chunks , when I was listing to it ,but I am not sure that do I get improving of my English ! Actually i don't have these of senses while listening to English before!