It's Easy to Learn English!


Thank your email very much . I understand your meaning , How should I direct my attention when I am listening to Kungfu English ? There are six important principles ,

1. I should listen to the content each sentence and understand what they mean . Keep myself curious and relaxed .

2. Listen to pattern When I listen to them , I should hear some pattern , for example : which words are always used one time and one time again ? as the words "when, where , who ,I , be ,do ,have,and ,understand , know ,here ,there, in , on "and so on. Which words usually are used the start and end of the sentences ? as the words:"which, when , how , where , what , be ,do ,can , should , may , would ."these often come at the start of the question sentence . At not question sentences , as the start : " please , don't , do ; there , here , I , you , they , she , he , it , these , those , so , as , though , therefor "and so on . The end words of the sentences are usually meaning the time and place ,Etc.

3.listen to understand I should understand the important meaning :比如我想要什么?但是没明白是想要的具体东西不知为何物体?但已经听明白主要的意思。

4.when I am listening to it , I may do some thing , but my attention still direct listening to English , at the same time I don't be thinking over .

5. Each time learn 15 minutes , may more time during a day .

6.listen to enjoy When I have listened to it a few times ,I have understand their meaning ,I should still listen to several times , go on it , just enjoy the music , the sounds ,the rhythm , make the sound and the rhythm become my speaking from my mouth finally .